Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Researching Abroad - Finding European and British Isles Ancestors - Day 2

Chris Wright & Dirk Weissleder
Dirk Weissleder gave some excellent sessions on "Primary and Secondary Sources on Genealogy in Germany", "Introduction to European Research", "The International German Genealogical Partnership", and "Archives, Libraries, & Institutions for Genealogical Researchers in Germany".

We also heard about European Resources at GSQ, QFHS, and State Library of Queensland. Rosemary told us about more features of MyHeritage, and Helen gave a thorough introduction to "Using DNA to solve Genealogical Puzzles".

If you have a chance to attend, in one of the other capital cities, you really will enjoy yourself and learn a lot.

* As an Ambassador for these presentations, I received free entry.

Researching Abroad - Finding European and British Isles Ancestors - Day 1

A gathering of "Chris's" - Chris Wright, Chris Paton, and Chris Goopy
An excellent day full of information. Chris Paton told us all about British and Irish Newspapers, Scottish Research Resources before 1800, Irish Family History Resources Online, and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestry Crisis. 

We also heard about British Isles Resources at GSQ, QFHS, and State Library of Queensland.

Other presentations were on MyHeritage and Living DNA.

If you have a chance to attend, in one of the other capital cities, you really will enjoy yourself.

* As an Ambassador for these presentations, I received free entry.